Wednesday, January 18, 2023

MYSQL 5.6 data directory in windows

 DB file location in mysql 5.6 in windows 

The default data directory location is C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\data , or C:\ProgramData\Mysql on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008. The C:\ProgramData directory is hidden by default.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Create a object of class in c# from string input dynamically from user

 You can use the following code to create object from a class which name is provided by the user in program run time. 

Type type = Type.GetType("Employee");

object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type);

just for reference sharing the URL of the static class Activator which is part of system namespace.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

python code to import xlsx file in mysql and validate also each column and rows before import

 import mysql.connector

import openpyxl

# Open the .xlsx file

wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('data.xlsx')

sheet =

# Connect to the MySQL database

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='user', password='password', host='host', database='database')

cursor = cnx.cursor()

# Validate and import the data

for row in sheet.rows:

    # Validate each cell in the row

    if row[0].value == None:

        print("Error: Missing value in column 1")

    elif row[1].value == None:

        print("Error: Missing value in column 2")


        # If the data is valid, insert it into the database

        sql = "INSERT INTO table (column1, column2) VALUES (%s, %s)"

        val = (row[0].value, row[1].value)

        cursor.execute(sql, val)

# Commit the changes to the database


# Close the connection


Monday, January 2, 2023

logout from linux ssh from windows powershell

 To exit the Bash session, type "exit" without quotes and then the Enter key.

That should exit the SSH session and get you back to the PS C:\Windows\system32 prompt.

Just close the Powershell session by clicking on the X at the upper right corner of the window.

bash: apt-get: command not found CentOS 7

  Amazon Linux it's CentOS-based, which is RedHat-based. RH-based installs use yum not apt-get. Something like yum search httpd should show you the available Apache packages - you likely want yum install httpd24.

how to make sure node is installed or not in window 10 ?

 To see if Node is installed, open the Windows Command Prompt, Powershell or a similar command line tool, and type node -v . This should print the version number so you'll see something like this v0. 10.35

Saturday, December 31, 2022

What is the difference between LINQ methods that start with "As" and those that start with "To"?

 LINQ is a set of extension methods for the .NET Framework that allow developers to query data from various sources using a consistent syntax.

The methods that start with "As" generally return a new sequence that is a projection of the original sequence, with each element in the new sequence being a transformation of the corresponding element in the original sequence. These methods do not perform any conversion, but rather just change the way the data is presented. For example, the AsEnumerable() method returns the input sequence as an IEnumerable<T>, regardless of its original type.

On the other hand, the methods that start with "To" perform a conversion of the input sequence to a new type or format. These methods often involve creating a new collection or data structure to store the elements of the input sequence, and as such may have a performance impact. For example, the ToList() method converts an input sequence to a List<T>, and the ToDictionary() method converts an input sequence to a Dictionary<TKey, TValue>.


 Certainly! Here are 10 advanced .NET Core interview questions covering various topics: 1. **ASP.NET Core Middleware Pipeline**: Explain the...