Showing posts with label MySQL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MySQL. Show all posts

Monday, August 7, 2023

datetime default value mysql

 mysql> desc test;


| Field | Type        | Null | Key | Default           | Extra |


| str   | varchar(32) | YES  |     | NULL              |       | 

| ts    | timestamp   | NO   |     | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |       | 


Thursday, July 27, 2023

Table does not support optimize, doing recreate + analyze instead


The message you received after running `OPTIMIZE TABLE detail;` indicates that the `detail` table does not support the `OPTIMIZE` operation. Instead, MySQL will perform a `RECREATE` and `ANALYZE` operation.

The `OPTIMIZE TABLE` statement is used to reorganize and optimize the physical storage of a table, defragmenting its data and indexes. However, not all storage engines support this operation. The InnoDB storage engine, which is the default for modern MySQL installations, does not support the `OPTIMIZE TABLE` command.

When `OPTIMIZE TABLE` is used on an InnoDB table, MySQL performs a recreate and analyze operation instead. This means the table is recreated from scratch, and the data is copied to a new tablespace. Afterward, the table's statistics are updated and analyzed to ensure the query optimizer has accurate information about the table's data distribution.

The status message you received, `OK`, indicates that the operation completed successfully.

Keep in mind that the `OPTIMIZE TABLE` or `RECREATE` operation can be resource-intensive and may require sufficient free disk space to create a temporary table. Therefore, it is essential to run this command during a maintenance window or when the server has enough resources to handle the operation without impacting ongoing production traffic.

Additionally, running `OPTIMIZE TABLE` or `RECREATE` frequently might not always be necessary, especially for InnoDB tables, as InnoDB handles data fragmentation and storage optimization more efficiently compared to older storage engines like MyISAM. It's often more beneficial to focus on other performance optimizations like proper indexing, query tuning, and server configuration.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

How these are going to impact innodb_buffer_pool_size, innodb_log_file_size, and query_cache_size ?

 Let's discuss how each optimization can impact `innodb_buffer_pool_size`, `innodb_log_file_size`, and `query_cache_size`:

1. **innodb_buffer_pool_size:**

`innodb_buffer_pool_size` is a critical MySQL configuration parameter that determines the size of the buffer pool, which is a memory area where InnoDB caches data and indexes. The buffer pool is used to reduce disk I/O by keeping frequently accessed data in memory.

- **Impact of Optimizations:**

   - Increasing the `innodb_buffer_pool_size` allows InnoDB to cache more data, which can significantly improve the performance of queries that require data reads. If your table is heavily used and your system has enough RAM, increasing this parameter can help reduce the need for disk I/O, resulting in faster query execution.

   - If you have implemented partitioning, having a larger buffer pool can be particularly beneficial when querying frequently accessed partitions, as the relevant data can be cached in memory.

2. **innodb_log_file_size:**

`innodb_log_file_size` specifies the size of each InnoDB log file. These log files are used to store changes to data (transactions) before they are written to the actual data files. The size of the log files affects the amount of transactional data that can be stored in memory before it is flushed to disk.

- **Impact of Optimizations:**

   - Increasing `innodb_log_file_size` can improve write performance, especially when you have high write-intensive workloads or large transactions. This can be helpful if you have frequent inserts or updates on the `detail` table.

   - However, changing the log file size requires stopping the MySQL server, removing the old log files, and then starting the server with the new size. It is a complex process and should be done with caution.

3. **query_cache_size:**

`query_cache_size` determines the amount of memory allocated for the query cache, which stores the results of queries for quick retrieval when the same queries are executed again.

- **Impact of Optimizations:**

   - Setting `query_cache_size` to an appropriate value can help improve query performance for frequently executed queries with identical parameters. The query cache eliminates the need to re-execute identical queries, reducing the CPU and execution time.

   - However, the query cache can become less effective as the data changes frequently, as it needs to be continually invalidated and refreshed. If your table is write-intensive, the query cache might not provide a significant performance boost and might even consume unnecessary memory.

Note that the impact of these optimizations can vary depending on your specific workload and data characteristics. It's essential to measure the impact of each change and test them thoroughly in a non-production environment before applying them to your live system.

Additionally, tuning these parameters should be part of a holistic performance optimization approach that considers all aspects of your database configuration, hardware resources, query structure, and indexing strategy. Consider consulting with a database administrator or performance tuning expert to get insights specific to your setup and requirements.

Monday, May 15, 2023

default datetime in mysql



Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Get all column names in MySQL of a table comma separated

 For that you can use the following MySQL: 

select group_concat(column_name order by ordinal_position) from information_schema.columns where table_schema = 'vops' and table_name = 'vmdata'

Thursday, April 6, 2023

How to check the final SQL query generated by Entity Framework based on the LINQ expression for MySQL database

 If you want to check the final SQL query generated by  Entity Framework based on the LINQ expression for MySQL database  . you can follow the following steps : 

1. Connect to your MySQL command line 

2. run the following command :  SET GLOBAL general_log = 'ON';

3. In next command you need to setup the log file location. Here is the command for that SET GLOBAL general_log_file = 'C://file.log';

4. Execute the method for which you want to check the SQL query. 

5. Once you are done SET GLOBAL general_log = 'OFF'; run this. 

You can now check in your log file the output sql query from Entity Framework . 


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