Showing posts with label Azure Functions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azure Functions. Show all posts

Sunday, May 14, 2023

Batch Processing and Retry Mechanism for CSV Files in Azure

 You can consider using two Azure services for your scenario of downloading multiple CSV files, parsing them, transforming the data, and tracking the success or failure of processing: 

#1. Storage Queue with Azure Functions:

  • Azure Blob Storage can be used to store the CSV files, and a Storage Queue can manage the processing workflow.
  • Set up an Azure Function with a queue trigger to trigger the function for processing a CSV file whenever a new message arrives in the queue.
  • Implement the parsing, transformation, and writing logic for each file within the function.
  • Track the success or failure of processing by writing the status or any error information to another storage location, such as a separate blob container or a database.
  • To enable retries, configure the Storage Queue with a visibility timeout. Messages that are not deleted after processing become visible again after a specified duration, allowing for automatic retries.

#2. Azure Batch with Spot VMs:

  • Azure Batch, a managed service, enables you to run large-scale parallel and batch computing jobs.
  • Create an Azure Batch job that defines the tasks for downloading, parsing, transforming, and writing the CSV files.
  • Utilize Azure Spot VMs, which are low-priority virtual machines available at a significantly reduced price, to handle large workloads cost-effectively.
  • Azure Batch provides a mechanism to track task execution and the overall job status. Retrieve information on the success or failure of each task and programmatically handle retries if necessary.

The choice between these approaches depends on factors such as the complexity of the processing logic, workload scale, and specific requirements of your use case.

Thursday, May 4, 2023

How Memory Leaks Can Affect Your Azure Functions Costs

 Memory leaks in Azure Functions can lead to increased memory usage, which can result in higher usage fees. Azure Functions are priced based on the amount of resources used, including memory usage and execution time.

A memory leak occurs when a program uses memory but fails to release it when it is no longer needed. This can cause the program to consume more and more memory over time, eventually leading to the application crashing due to insufficient memory.

In the case of Azure Functions, if a memory leak is not addressed, the function's memory usage will continue to increase over time, potentially leading to higher usage fees. Azure Functions charges based on the amount of memory allocated to a function and the length of time it runs. So, if a function is consuming more memory than it needs, it will be charged for that excess usage.

For example, let's say you have an Azure Function that is allocated 1 GB of memory and runs for 10,000 requests per day. If there is a memory leak in the function that causes it to use an extra 500 MB of memory per day, the excess usage could cost an additional $1 per day. Over the course of a year, this could add up to around $365 in additional usage fees.

Therefore, it's essential to monitor and manage memory usage in Azure Functions to avoid any unexpected costs due to memory leaks. You can use Azure Monitor to monitor the memory usage of your functions and identify any memory leaks. Once identified, you can address the memory leaks by optimizing the function's code or scaling the function to use more memory if necessary.

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Moving Azure Functions from App Service plan to Consumption Plan: A Step-by-Step Guide for Smooth Transition

 Moving Azure Functions from an App Service plan to a Consumption plan involves a few steps, as outlined below:

  1. Create a new Function App on the Consumption plan: First, you need to create a new Function App on the Consumption plan in the Azure portal.

  2. Deploy your Functions code to the new Function App: Once you have created a new Function App on the Consumption plan, you can deploy your existing Functions code to the new app. You can do this by publishing the code from your development environment or by using tools like Azure DevOps or Visual Studio.

  3. Configure your Functions to run on the Consumption plan: Once you have deployed your code, you need to configure your Functions to run on the Consumption plan. You can do this by changing the hosting plan for each Function from the App Service plan to the Consumption plan. You can do this in the Azure portal by going to the Function App's Configuration settings and selecting the Consumption plan.

  4. Test your Functions: After you have configured your Functions to run on the Consumption plan, you should test them to ensure that they are working correctly.

  5. Delete the old Function App: Once you have verified that your Functions are working correctly on the Consumption plan, you can delete the old Function App running on the App Service plan.

It is important to note that moving Functions from an App Service plan to a Consumption plan can impact their performance and scalability, as the Consumption plan uses a pay-as-you-go model that can result in longer cold-start times for Functions. Therefore, it is important to test and monitor your Functions carefully after moving them to the Consumption plan.

What is Azure SignalR Service and how do you use Azure SignalR Service with Azure Functions?

 Azure SignalR Service is a fully-managed service that enables real-time messaging between client and server applications. It provides an easy way to add real-time functionality to web applications, such as chat, live updates, and real-time data visualization. SignalR supports multiple platforms and programming languages and provides a simple API for developers to use.

To use Azure SignalR Service with Azure Functions, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an Azure SignalR Service instance in the Azure portal.
  2. Create an Azure Functions app and a function in the Azure portal.
  3. Install the Microsoft.Azure.SignalR nuget package for your Azure Function.
  4. Add the necessary code to your Azure Function to integrate with Azure SignalR Service.
  5. Configure the connection to Azure SignalR Service by providing the connection string in the Azure Function's configuration settings.
  6. Deploy your Azure Function to Azure and test the real-time messaging functionality with SignalR.

By using Azure SignalR Service with Azure Functions, you can build real-time web applications that provide seamless communication between client and server applications.

What is a function app ?

 A function app is a container for one or more Azure Functions that allows you to group related functions together as a logical unit for deployment, management, and sharing of resources. It provides an environment for developing, testing, and running functions, and can be scaled automatically based on demand.

What programming languages can you use to develop Azure Functions?

 Azure Functions supports several programming languages for developing functions, including:

  1. C#
  2. Java
  3. JavaScript (Node.js)
  4. Python
  5. PowerShell

Developers can choose the programming language based on their preference and experience. Each language has its own unique set of tools and libraries that can be used to build Azure Functions. Developers can also use integrated development environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code to build and debug Azure Functions written in these languages.

What is an Azure Function?

 An Azure Function is a serverless computing service provided by Microsoft Azure that enables developers to build event-driven applications that can be executed without the need for provisioning and managing servers. With Azure Functions, developers can write small, single-purpose functions that respond to events such as HTTP requests, changes to data in Azure Storage or Azure Cosmos DB, or messages from Azure Service Bus or Azure Event Hubs. These functions can be written in several programming languages including C#, Java, JavaScript, Python, and PowerShell. Azure Functions scales automatically, from just a few instances up to thousands of instances, depending on the demand of the application.

Creating Custom Triggers for Azure Functions with Azure Event Hubs and Azure Service Bus

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that allows you to run your code on-demand without having to manage infrastructure. With Azure Functions, you can build scalable, event-driven applications that can respond to changes in real-time. One way to achieve this is by creating custom triggers that respond to events from Azure Event Hubs and Azure Service Bus. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to create custom triggers for Azure Functions using these two services.
Before we get started, you'll need to have the following:

1. An Azure account
2. Visual Studio Code
3. Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code
Creating an Azure Event Hub 
The first step is to create an Azure Event Hub. In the Azure portal, select "Create a resource" and search for "Event Hubs". Choose "Event Hubs" and follow the prompts to create a new Event Hub.
Once your Event Hub is created, you can send events to it using any compatible client library. In this tutorial, we'll use the Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code to create a custom trigger that responds to events from our Event Hub.
Creating an Azure Service Bus
The next step is to create an Azure Service Bus. In the Azure portal, select "Create a resource" and search for "Service Bus". Choose "Service Bus" and follow the prompts to create a new Service Bus.
Once your Service Bus is created, you can send messages to it using any compatible client library. We'll use the Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code to create a custom trigger that responds to messages from our Service Bus.
Creating Custom Triggers for Azure Functions
Now that our Event Hub and Service Bus are set up, we can create custom triggers for Azure Functions that respond to events and messages from these services.

To create a custom trigger for Azure Functions, you'll need to define a function that takes in the event or message as input. This function can then process the event or message and perform any necessary actions.
Custom Trigger for Azure Event Hubs
Here's an example of a custom trigger for Azure Event Hubs:
module.exports = async function(context, eventHubMessages) {
    context.log(`Event hub trigger function called for message array: ${eventHubMessages}`);

    eventHubMessages.forEach(message => {
        // Process message here
This function takes in the eventHubMessages array as input and processes each message in the array. You can add your own processing logic to this function, such as sending notifications or updating a database.

To connect this function to your Event Hub, you'll need to add a new function to your Azure Functions app using the Event Hub trigger template. Follow the prompts to specify the Event Hub connection string and configure the function.
Custom Trigger for Azure Service Bus
Here's an example of a custom trigger for Azure Service Bus:
module.exports = async function(context, mySbMsg) {
    context.log(`Service bus trigger function called for message: ${mySbMsg}`);

    // Process message here
This function takes in the mySbMsg object as input and processes the message. You can add your own processing logic to this function, such as sending notifications or updating a database.
To connect this function to your Service Bus, you'll need to add a new function to your Azure Functions app using the Service Bus trigger template. Follow the prompts to specify the Service Bus connection string and configure the function.

Real-time Image Processing with Azure Functions and Azure Blob Storage


Image processing is a critical component of many applications, from social media to healthcare. However, processing large volumes of image data can be time-consuming and resource-intensive. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to use Azure Functions and Azure Blob Storage to create a real-time image processing pipeline that can handle large volumes of data with scalability and flexibility.



Before we get started, you'll need to have the following:


1.       An Azure account

2.       Visual Studio Code

3.       Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code

4.       Azure Blob Storage extension for Visual Studio Code

Creating the Azure Functions App

The first step is to create an Azure Functions app. In Visual Studio Code, select the Azure Functions extension and choose "Create New Project". Follow the prompts to choose your programming language and runtime.


Once your project is created, you can create a new function by selecting the "Create Function" button in the Azure Functions Explorer. Choose the Blob trigger template to create a function that responds to new files added to Azure Blob Storage.


In this example, we'll create a function that recognizes objects in images using Azure Cognitive Services. We'll use the Cognitive Services extension for Visual Studio Code to connect to our Cognitive Services account.


Creating the Azure Blob Storage Account

Next, we'll create an Azure Blob Storage account to store our image data. In the Azure portal, select "Create a resource" and search for "Blob Storage". Choose "Storage account" and follow the prompts to create a new account.


Once your account is created, select "Containers" to create a new container for your image data. Choose a container name and access level, and select "Create". You can now add images to your container through the Azure portal or through your Azure Functions app.


Connecting the Azure Functions App to Azure Cognitive Services

To connect your Azure Functions app to Azure Cognitive Services, you'll need to add the Cognitive Services extension to your project. In Visual Studio Code, select the Extensions icon and search for "Azure Cognitive Services". Install the extension and reload Visual Studio Code.


Next, open your function code and add the following code to your function:

const { ComputerVisionClient } = require("@azure/cognitiveservices-computervision");
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("@azure/storage-blob");

module.exports = async function (context, myBlob) {
    const endpoint = process.env["ComputerVisionEndpoint"];
    const key = process.env["ComputerVisionKey"];
    const client = new ComputerVisionClient({ endpoint, key });
    const blobEndpoint = process.env["BlobEndpoint"];
    const blobKey = process.env["BlobKey"];
    const blobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString(`BlobEndpoint=${blobEndpoint};BlobAccessKey=${blobKey}`);
    const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient("mycontainer");
    const buffer = myBlob;
    const result = await client.analyzeImageInStream(buffer, { visualFeatures: ["Objects"] });
    const blobName =;
    const blobClient = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(blobName);
    const metadata = { tags: => obj.objectProperty) };
    await blobClient.setMetadata(metadata);

This code connects to your Azure Cognitive Services account and creates a new ComputerVisionClient object. It also connects to your Blob Storage account and retrieves the image data from the blob trigger.


The code then uses the Computer Vision API to analyze the image and extract any objects it detects. It adds these object tags to the image metadata and saves the updated metadata to Blob Storage.


Testing the Image Processing Pipeline

Now that our image processing pipeline is set up, we can test it by uploading an image to our Blob Storage container. The function should automatically trigger and process the image, adding object tags to the metadata.


To view the updated metadata, select the image in the Azure portal and choose "Properties". You should see a list of object tags extracted from the image.





Building a Serverless Web App with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB

 Server less computing has revolutionized the way we build and deploy web applications. With server less, you can focus on writing code without worrying about managing infrastructure, and pay only for the compute resources you use. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to build a server less web app with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB that provides scalable and cost-effective data storage and processing.


Before we get started, you'll need to have the following:

  1. An Azure account
  2. Visual Studio Code
  3. Azure Functions extension for Visual Studio Code
  4. Azure Cosmos DB extension for Visual Studio Code
Creating the Azure Functions App

The first step is to create an Azure Functions app. In Visual Studio Code, select the Azure Functions extension and choose "Create New Project". Follow the prompts to choose your programming language and runtime.

Once your project is created, you can create a new function by selecting the "Create Function" button in the Azure Functions Explorer. Choose the HTTP trigger template to create a function that responds to HTTP requests.

In this example, we'll create a function that retrieves data from Azure Cosmos DB. We'll use the Cosmos DB extension for Visual Studio Code to connect to our database and retrieve data.

Creating the Azure Cosmos DB Account

Next, we'll create an Azure Cosmos DB account to store our data. In the Azure portal, select "Create a resource" and search for "Cosmos DB". Choose "Azure Cosmos DB" and follow the prompts to create a new account.

Once your account is created, select "Add Collection" to create a new container for your data. Choose a partition key and throughput level, and select "Create". You can now add data to your container through the Azure portal or through your Azure Functions app.

Connecting the Azure Functions App to Azure Cosmos DB

To connect your Azure Functions app to Azure Cosmos DB, you'll need to add the Cosmos DB extension to your project. In Visual Studio Code, select the Extensions icon and search for "Azure Cosmos DB". Install the extension and reload Visual Studio Code.

Next, open your function code and add the following code to your function:

const { CosmosClient } = require("@azure/cosmos");

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
    const endpoint = process.env["CosmosDBEndpoint"];
    const key = process.env["CosmosDBKey"];
    const client = new CosmosClient({ endpoint, key });
    const database = client.database("mydatabase");
    const container = database.container("mycontainer");
    const querySpec = {
        query: "SELECT * FROM c"
    const { resources } = await container.items.query(querySpec).fetchAll();
    context.res = {
        body: resources

This code connects to your Azure Cosmos DB account and retrieves all data from the specified container. Replace "mydatabase" and "mycontainer" with your database and container names.

Finally, add your Azure Cosmos DB account endpoint and key to your function's Application Settings. In the Azure Functions Explorer, select your function and choose "Application Settings". Add the following settings:

CosmosDBEndpoint: Your Azure Cosmos DB account endpoint
CosmosDBKey: Your Azure Cosmos DB account key

we learned how to build a serverless web app with Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB. We created an Azure Functions app and a new function that retrieves data from Azure Cosmos DB using the Cosmos DB extension for Visual Studio Code.

We also created an Azure Cosmos DB account and added a new container to store our data. Finally, we connected our Azure Functions app to Azure Cosmos DB by adding the necessary code and application settings. By using Azure Functions and Azure Cosmos DB together, you can build scalable and cost-effective web applications that handle data storage and processing without managing infrastructure.

You can extend this example to include more complex queries, data manipulation, and other functions that respond to HTTP requests or other triggers. 

 If you're new to serverless computing or Azure Functions, be sure to check out the documentation and resources available from Microsoft. With the right tools and knowledge, you can quickly build and deploy serverless web applications that are flexible, scalable, and cost-effective.


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