The structure of a typical deep learning transformer consists of several key components that work together to process sequential data. The following is an overview of the main elements in a transformer model:
1. Input Embedding:
At the beginning of the transformer, the input sequence is transformed into vector representations known as embeddings. Each token or element in the sequence is represented as a high-dimensional vector. This embedding step helps to capture semantic and syntactic information about the input elements.
2. Positional Encoding:
Since transformers do not inherently encode the sequential order of the input, positional encoding is introduced to provide positional information to each element in the sequence. Positional encoding is typically a set of fixed vectors added to the input embeddings. It allows the transformer to understand the sequential relationships between elements.
3. Encoder:
The encoder is a stack of identical layers, each composed of two sub-layers:
a. Multi-Head Self-Attention:
The self-attention mechanism is a crucial component of transformers. Within the encoder, self-attention allows each position in the input sequence to attend to all other positions, capturing dependencies and relationships. It calculates attention scores between pairs of positions, which determine the importance or relevance of different elements to each other.
b. Feed-Forward Neural Network:
Following the self-attention sub-layer, a feed-forward neural network is applied to each position independently. It applies a non-linear transformation to the input representations, allowing the model to learn complex relationships within the sequence.
These two sub-layers are typically followed by residual connections and layer normalization, which help with gradient propagation and stabilizing the training process.
4. Decoder:
The decoder is also a stack of identical layers, similar to the encoder. However, it has an additional sub-layer compared to the encoder:
a. Masked Multi-Head Self-Attention:
The decoder self-attention sub-layer attends to all positions in the decoder up to the current position while masking future positions. This masking prevents information from leaking from future positions, ensuring the model only attends to previously generated elements during training.
The masked self-attention is followed by the same feed-forward neural network used in the encoder. Residual connections and layer normalization are applied similarly to the encoder.
5. Cross-Attention:
In addition to self-attention, transformers often utilize cross-attention or encoder-decoder attention in the decoder. This attention mechanism allows the decoder to attend to the output of the encoder. It enables the decoder to consider the input sequence while generating the output, helping to capture relevant information and aligning the source and target sequences in tasks like machine translation.
6. Output Projection:
After the decoder stack, the output representations are transformed into probabilities or scores for each possible output element. This projection can vary depending on the specific task. For example, in machine translation, a linear projection followed by a softmax activation is typically used to produce the probability distribution over target vocabulary.
The depth or number of layers in the encoder and decoder stacks can vary depending on the complexity of the task and the available computational resources. Deeper networks generally have more capacity to capture intricate relationships but may require longer training times.
It's worth noting that there have been several variations and extensions to the basic transformer architecture, such as the introduction of additional attention mechanisms (e.g., relative attention, sparse attention) or modifications to handle specific challenges (e.g., long-range dependencies, memory efficiency). These modifications aim to enhance the performance and applicability of transformers in various domains.
Overall, the structure of a typical deep learning transformer consists of an embedding layer, positional encoding, an encoder stack with self-attention and feed-forward sub-layers, a decoder stack with masked self-attention, cross-attention, and feed-forward sub-layers, and an output projection layer
. This architecture allows transformers to effectively process sequential data and has proven to be highly successful in a wide range of natural language processing tasks.