Thursday, May 18, 2023

How to create virtual machines in azure ? or What are different methods available ?

 To create virtual machines (VMs) in Azure, there are several methods available. Here are the different approaches you can take:

  1. Azure Portal: The Azure Portal provides a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) for managing Azure resources, including VMs. You can navigate to the Azure Portal, select the desired subscription and resource group, and use the "Create a resource" button to create a VM. The portal offers a step-by-step wizard where you can specify VM configurations, such as image, size, networking, and storage options.

  2. Azure CLI: The Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a cross-platform command-line tool that allows you to manage Azure resources from the command line. You can use the Azure CLI to create VMs by running commands that specify the desired VM properties, such as the image, size, resource group, and networking configurations.

  3. Azure PowerShell: Azure PowerShell is a scripting environment that enables you to automate Azure management tasks using PowerShell scripts. With Azure PowerShell, you can create VMs by writing PowerShell scripts that define the VM properties, resource group, networking, and other configurations.

  4. Azure Resource Manager (ARM) Templates: ARM templates are JSON files that describe the desired state of your Azure infrastructure. You can define the VM properties, networking, storage, and other configurations in an ARM template and deploy it to create VMs in a consistent and repeatable manner. ARM templates can be deployed using the Azure Portal, Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell.

  5. Azure DevOps: Azure DevOps provides a set of services for CI/CD (Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment) pipelines and automating infrastructure deployment. Using Azure DevOps pipelines, you can define YAML or visual pipeline configurations that include steps to create VMs as part of your infrastructure deployment process.

These methods provide different levels of automation, flexibility, and programmability to create VMs in Azure. You can choose the approach that best suits your requirements and preferences. It's worth noting that Azure SDKs for various programming languages are also available if you prefer to programmatically create VMs using your preferred programming language.

When to Use Terraform Provisioners: Best Practices and Considerations

Terraform provisioners should generally be used as a last resort or as a final option because they introduce some limitations and potential complexities to your infrastructure provisioning process. Here are a few reasons why it's advisable to use Terraform provisioners sparingly:

  1. Separation of Concerns: Terraform focuses primarily on infrastructure provisioning and management. It is designed to handle resource creation, updates, and deletions. By keeping the provisioning logic separate from configuration management or other tasks, you can maintain a clear separation of concerns and leverage specialized tools for each task.

  2. Idempotency: Terraform's core strength lies in its ability to ensure the desired state of your infrastructure. It achieves this by comparing the desired state declared in your configuration files with the current state of the infrastructure and making the necessary changes to align them. Provisioners, on the other hand, introduce imperative actions that may not be idempotent. This means that running the same provisioner multiple times may lead to inconsistent results or unwanted side effects.

  3. Dependencies and Ordering: Terraform handles resource dependencies and ordering automatically based on the defined relationships between resources. Provisioners, however, can introduce additional dependencies and ordering challenges since they rely on the availability and state of other resources. This can make it more difficult to manage complex provisioning sequences or handle failures gracefully.

  4. Portability: Provisioners often rely on specific tools or scripts that may be tied to a particular operating system, environment, or external dependencies. This can limit the portability of your Terraform configurations across different environments or cloud providers, potentially causing compatibility issues or extra maintenance efforts.

  5. Maintenance and Updates: Provisioners typically require more maintenance compared to other Terraform resources. If the provisioner logic or the external tooling it relies on needs to be updated or changed, it may require modifications to your Terraform configuration files, increasing complexity and potential errors.

While Terraform provisioners have their use cases, it's generally recommended to explore other options first, such as using native cloud provider APIs, infrastructure-as-code best practices, or specialized configuration management tools (like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet) for more complex configuration tasks. This approach helps maintain the separation of concerns, improves idempotency, and ensures a more streamlined and manageable infrastructure provisioning process.

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Removing Empty Lines at the End of a CSV File Generated from an XLSX Source in Azure Data Factory

When using the Copy Data Activity in Azure Data Factory to convert an XLSX file to a CSV file, you might encounter an issue where an empty line is added at the end of the resulting CSV file. This can be problematic when you need a clean and accurate CSV file. Fortunately, there are several solution-oriented approaches to address this problem.

Solution 1: Utilize Data Flows for Enhanced Control:

  1. Create a Data Flow activity in Azure Data Factory.
  2. Configure the source of the Data Flow to read the CSV file generated by the Copy Data Activity.
  3. Add a Source transformation in the Data Flow to extract the CSV data.
  4. Apply any necessary transformations or data manipulations, including removing the empty line.
  5. Add a Sink transformation to write the transformed data back to a new CSV file.
  6. Configure the Sink transformation to overwrite the original CSV file or specify a different location as needed.
  7. Execute the Data Flow activity to generate the CSV file without the empty line.

Solution 2: Filter out the Empty Line:

  1. Use the Copy Data Activity to create the CSV file from the XLSX source.
  2. Implement a subsequent transformation step using a script or custom code to filter out the empty line.
  3. The script should read the CSV file, exclude the empty line, and rewrite the updated data to a new CSV file.
  4. Configure the script to overwrite the original CSV file or specify a different location.

By employing either the enhanced control provided by Data Flows or implementing custom code to filter out the empty line, you can successfully remove the unwanted empty line at the end of the CSV file generated from an XLSX source in Azure Data Factory. These solution-oriented approaches ensure that you have a clean and accurate CSV file for your data processing needs.

Pass Azure KeyVault Secret to Database Settings configuration

 To inject the KeyVault secret into the DatabaseSettings object

#1 You can write down the code as follow in program.cs file , configuration method 

var keyVaultEndPoint = new Uri(builder.Configuration["VaultKey"]); var secretClient = new SecretClient(keyVaultEndPoint, new DefaultAzureCredential()); KeyVaultSecret kvs = secretClient.GetSecret(builder.Configuration["SecretName"]); string connectionString = kvs.Value; builder.Services.AddRazorPages(); builder.Services.AddServerSideBlazor() .AddMicrosoftIdentityConsentHandler(); builder.Services.Configure<DatabaseSettings>(options => { options.ConnectionString = connectionString; builder.Configuration.GetSection("Database").Bind(options); }); builder.Services.AddSingleton<TodoService>(); builder.Services.AddSingleton<RecipesService>(); builder.Services.AddSingleton<SpecialDatesService>();

#2. Modify the DatabaseSettings class in your appsettings.json file:

"Database": { "ConnectionString": "", "DatabaseName": "Personal", "TodoCollectionName": "todo", "RecipesCollectionName": "recipes", "SpecialDatesCollectionName": "specialdates" }

By binding the DatabaseSettings options, you can set the ConnectionString property using the retrieved value from the KeyVault secret while keeping the rest of the configuration intact.

Now, when you inject the DatabaseSettings object into your services, the ConnectionString property will be populated with the secret value from Azure Key Vault.

Monday, May 15, 2023

default datetime in mysql



How to create an AKS cluster in Azure?


To create an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster, you can use either the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell. Here are the steps for each method:

  1. Azure Portal:
    • Sign in to the Azure portal (
    • Click on "Create a resource" in the left navigation pane.
    • Search for "Azure Kubernetes Service" and select it from the search results.
    • Click on "Create" to start the AKS cluster creation wizard.
    • Provide the necessary information, such as subscription, resource group, cluster name, region, and Kubernetes version.
    • Configure the desired node size, node count, and authentication method.
    • Review the settings and click on "Review + Create" to validate the configuration.
    • Finally, click on "Create" to create the AKS cluster. The deployment may take several minutes to complete.
  2. Azure CLI:
    • Open the Azure CLI (command-line interface) on your local machine or use the Azure Cloud Shell (
    • Run the following command to create an AKS cluster:

az aks create --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <cluster-name> --node-count <node-count> --node-vm-size <node-vm-size> --location <region>

Replace <resource-group-name> with the name of the resource group where the cluster should be created, <cluster-name> with the desired name for the cluster, <node-count> with the number of nodes in the cluster, <node-vm-size> with the VM size for the nodes, and <region> with the desired region for the cluster.

    • Optionally, you can add more parameters to the command to configure advanced settings like networking, authentication, and monitoring.
  1. Azure PowerShell:
    • Open the Azure PowerShell module on your local machine or use the Azure Cloud Shell (
    • Run the following command to create an AKS cluster:

New-AzAksCluster -ResourceGroupName <resource-group-name> -Name <cluster-name> -NodeCount <node-count> -NodeVmSize <node-vm-size> -Location <region>

Replace <resource-group-name> with the name of the resource group, <cluster-name> with the desired name for the cluster, <node-count> with the number of nodes in the cluster, <node-vm-size> with the VM size for the nodes, and <region> with the desired region.

    • You can also provide additional parameters to the command to configure networking, authentication, and other advanced options.

After executing the appropriate command, the AKS cluster creation process will start, and it may take several minutes to complete. Once the cluster is created, you can access and manage it using the Azure portal, Azure CLI, Azure PowerShell, or the Kubernetes command-line tool (kubectl).

How to configure load balancer in Azure Kubernetes Service ?


To configure a load balancer in Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an AKS cluster: Start by creating an AKS cluster using the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell. Make sure to specify the desired configuration, such as the number of nodes, node size, and networking options.
  2. Deploy your application: Once the AKS cluster is created, deploy your application or services to the cluster. You can use Kubernetes manifests (YAML files) to define your application deployment, services, and any necessary ingress resources.
  3. Create a Kubernetes service: To expose your application to the external world and load balance the traffic, you need to create a Kubernetes service. A service defines a stable network endpoint that receives traffic and distributes it to the appropriate pods.

Here's an example of a Kubernetes service manifest that exposes your application on a specific port:

apiVersion: v1

kind: Service


  name: my-app-service


  type: LoadBalancer


    - port: 80

      targetPort: 8080


    app: my-app

In this example, the service is defined as type LoadBalancer, and it exposes port 80, which gets mapped to the target port 8080 on the pods labeled with app: my-app.

  1. Apply the service manifest: Apply the service manifest using the kubectl apply command to create the service in the AKS cluster. The Kubernetes service controller will automatically provision an Azure Load Balancer and configure the necessary routing rules.

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

  1. Verify the load balancer: Once the service is created, you can check the status and details of the load balancer using the Azure portal, Azure CLI, or Azure PowerShell. Look for the provisioned Load Balancer resource associated with your AKS cluster.
  2. Access your application: After the load balancer is provisioned and configured, it will route the incoming traffic to the pods running your application. You can access your application using the public IP address or DNS name associated with the load balancer.

That's it! You have now configured a load balancer for your application in Azure Kubernetes Service. The load balancer will evenly distribute incoming traffic to the pods, ensuring high availability and scalability for your application.


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